If you're interested in group activities, there is a cruise director on the ship that will help organize additional activities like EZ Money, Bingo, and Bonanza Bingo. Be sure you bring your ID otherwise, you won't be allowed to board. In 2018, there were 63 riverboat casinos in operation across the legal states. There is an age limit of 18 to be on board the ship and you must be at least 21 years or older to consume alcohol. This number might pale in comparison to the number of land casinos in the United States, but riverboat gambling saw a massive boom during the 2010s. There is a fully stocked bar with experienced bartenders waiting to serve you while onboard. Leave your name with the host to be called when a table becomes available. There are two gambling decks in the casino with:ĭining is available on the Bistro Deck and it's first come, first served. Once you're in open international waters, they will open the casino portion. Its now one of many boats no longer floating, but stuck in the mud in. The boat itself is 200 feet long and has four fun-filled decks. The 31-year-old Diamond Lady Riverboat was christened in Iowa in 1991 by Vanna White. The Emerald Princess cruise ship is the only casino cruise ship left in the Savannah area.