I'll await your update whenever you can get to it. Mine have a micro-switch mounted such that the reel-stop timing bar trips it each time the machine is played, and that (on mine anyway) resents the top counters if there was a hopper payout on the prior play. Next time you have time, please post a pic of the left side of your mech (as you look at it from the front). They should re-sent with the next coin played, but it appears that's not happening. From your prior post, I can tell the coin counting micro-switch works as it indexes up the Durant counters up-top. If it works, that's one more issue to scratch off the list. Have you ever tested the hopper itself out of the case? See my post to the other thread you started for a simple way to see if it works and the simple device you can make to check it out. No worries Sam I seem to have to have that exact same list myself! Thanks for the update pic.